
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, stellar_blade_tachy, a 17-years-old ethereal and breathtakingly glamorous korean idol, in a war zone, trench, close-up, perfect busty model body, brown eyes, brown long hair, balayage hair, gloves, orange-black two tones armor, combat suit with external skeleton design, pencil sktech, masterpiece, best quality, official art, beauty & aesthetic, IncrsNikkeProfile, zoom layer, holding weapon, holding gun, one knee

score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, stellar_blade_tachy, a 17-years-old ethereal and breathtakingly glamorous korean idol, in a war zone, trench, close-up, perfect busty model body, brown eyes, brown long hair, balayage hair, gloves, orange-black two tones armor, combat suit with external skeleton design, pencil sktech, masterpiece, best quality, official art, beauty & aesthetic, IncrsNikkeProfile, zoom layer, holding weapon, holding gun, one knee
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, stellar_blade_tachy, a 17-years-old ethereal and breathtakingly glamorous korean idol, in a war zone, trench, close-up, perfect busty model body, brown eyes, brown long hair, balayage hair, gloves, orange-black two tones armor, combat suit with external skeleton design, pencil sktech, masterpiece, best quality, official art, beauty & aesthetic, IncrsNikkeProfile, zoom layer, holding weapon, holding gun, one knee
cute korean large-eyed girl, long pigtail,
the features of a girl with a perfect face, 
sitting, A silhouette of a calm giant girl, wearing nebula, is suspended in the air against a backdrop filled with nebula, 
masterpiece, best Quality, Tyndall effect, good composition, highly details, warm soft light, three-dimensional lighting, volume lighting, Film lighting, cinematic lighting


2. **Age**: Approximately 20 years old.
3. **Physical Characteristics**:
   - **Hair**: Short, white with stylized black streaks.
   - **Eyes**: Blue with vertical iris, reminiscent of a feline or reptilian look, giving an intriguing and mystical appearance.
   - **Skin**: Light-toned.

4. **Attire**:
   - **Style**: Modern and stylish, suitable for a fantasy or science fiction setting. It can be a blend of urban wear with fantastical elements.
   - **Details**: Include accessories that highlight her personality and abilities, such as technological or magical gadgets (bracelets, gloves, etc.).
   - **Colors**: Predominantly dark and metallic tones with accents in blue, white, or black to complement her hair and eyes.

5. **Posture and Expression**:
   - **Posture**: Standing with a confident and assured demeanor. She may be slightly leaning forward as if ready for action.
   - **Expression**: A mix of determination and mystery, with a slight smile or intense gaze emphasizing her unique eyes.

6. **Background**:
   - **Setting**: An environment reflecting her world, whether a futuristic cityscape, an enchanted forest, or a post-apocalyptic urban landscape.
   - **Lighting**: Soft lighting that enhances her physical features and makes her stand out from the background, creating an atmosphere that complements her appearance.

**Artistic Style**:

- **Inspiration from Japanese Light Novels**: The style should be dynamic and detailed, with clean lines focusing on the character and her attire.
- **Colors and Shadows**: Use vibrant colors for key details, with soft shadows to add depth and realism.

**Specific Instructions for the AI**:

1. **Generate an image of a woman around 20 years old with short white hair and black streaks, and blue eyes with vertical irises**.
2. **Incorporate modern and stylish attire with elements of fantasy or technology, predominantly in dark and metallic tones**.
3. **Ensure her posture and expression convey confidence, determination, and mystery**.
4. **Use a background that complements her world's setting, with lighting that highlights the character's features**.
5. **Maintain a visual style aligned with illustrations from Japanese light novels, paying attention to detail and using a harmonious color palette**.

**Example Visual Description**:

In the image, the approximately 20-year-old woman stands with a confident posture, slightly leaning forward as if prepared for action. Her short, white hair with black streaks frames her face in a stylish manner. Her blue eyes with vertical irises gleam with intensity, highlighting her mystical appearance. She wears modern, form-fitting attire with technological details like metallic bracelets and gloves that hint at her special abilities. The background depicts a futuristic cityscape with neon lights, emphasizing her presence and creating an atmosphere that enhances her enigmatic charactr
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