
Dark Knight of Silicon Valley: Elon Musk-inspired villain in a gritty comic book setting. A close-up shot of a shadowy figure with a menacing gaze, lit by the glow of laptop screens and city lights. The subject, dressed in a sleek black suit, stands amidst a backdrop of crumbling cityscapes, with crumbling buildings and twisted metal debris. In the foreground, a city map with red X's marks out key locations. Elon Musk-inspired logo on the villain's lapel glows ominously, as he cackles maniacally, his eyes gleaming with a hint of genius-level madness.

Dark Knight of Silicon Valley: Elon Musk-inspired villain in a gritty comic book setting. A close-up shot of a shadowy figure with a menacing gaze, lit by the glow of laptop screens and city lights. The subject, dressed in a sleek black suit, stands amidst a backdrop of crumbling cityscapes, with crumbling buildings and twisted metal debris. In the foreground, a city map with red X's marks out key locations. Elon Musk-inspired logo on the villain's lapel glows ominously, as he cackles maniacally, his eyes gleaming with a hint of genius-level madness.
Dark Knight of Silicon Valley: Elon Musk-inspired villain in a gritty comic book setting. A close-up shot of a shadowy figure with a menacing gaze, lit by the glow of laptop screens and city lights. The subject, dressed in a sleek black suit, stands amidst a backdrop of crumbling cityscapes, with crumbling buildings and twisted metal debris. In the foreground, a city map with red X's marks out key locations. Elon Musk-inspired logo on the villain's lapel glows ominously, as he cackles maniacally, his eyes gleaming with a hint of genius-level madness.
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