
A majestic Star Wars spaceship, the Millennium Falcon, soars through a starry galaxy night. Framed against a deep blue sky with vibrant stars and a bright crescent moon, the ship's intricate details gleam in hyper-realistic 8K HDR. The rusty hull, adorned with metallic panels and engines, seems to radiate warmth under subtle lighting, while the cockpit's transparent dome glows softly, as if lit from within.

A majestic Star Wars spaceship, the Millennium Falcon, soars through a starry galaxy night. Framed against a deep blue sky with vibrant stars and a bright crescent moon, the ship's intricate details gleam in hyper-realistic 8K HDR. The rusty hull, adorned with metallic panels and engines, seems to radiate warmth under subtle lighting, while the cockpit's transparent dome glows softly, as if lit from within.
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