
(RAW photo, best quality), (realistic, photo-Realistic:1.3), best quality, masterpiece, beautiful and aesthetic, 16K, (HDR:1.4), high contrast, (vibrant color:0), (muted colors, dim colors, soothing tones:1.4), cinematic lighting, ambient lighting, sidelighting, Exquisite details and textures, cinematic shot, Cold tone, (Bright and intense:1.1), wide shot, ultra realistic illustration, siena natural ratio, Full length view, very long curly brown hair, white crop top, white over coat, Leather skirt, a sexy neighbor's wife, brown eyes, a watch, Art by Josephine Wall and Stephanie Law, Linda Ravenscroft, Kinuko Y. Craft. anime style.,Enhance,perfect split lighting,sunglasses ,color paint

(RAW photo, best quality), (realistic, photo-Realistic:1.3), best quality, masterpiece, beautiful and aesthetic, 16K, (HDR:1.4), high contrast, (vibrant color:0), (muted colors, dim colors, soothing tones:1.4), cinematic lighting, ambient lighting, sidelighting, Exquisite details and textures, cinematic shot, Cold tone, (Bright and intense:1.1), wide shot, ultra realistic illustration, siena natural ratio, 	Full length view,	very long curly brown hair,	white	crop top, white over coat, Leather skirt,	a sexy neighbor's wife,	brown eyes,	a watch, 	Art by Josephine Wall and Stephanie Law, Linda Ravenscroft, Kinuko Y. Craft. anime style.,Enhance,perfect split lighting,sunglasses ,color paint
(RAW photo, best quality), (realistic, photo-Realistic:1.3), best quality, masterpiece, beautiful and aesthetic, 16K, (HDR:1.4), high contrast, (vibrant color:0), (muted colors, dim colors, soothing tones:1.4), cinematic lighting, ambient lighting, sidelighting, Exquisite details and textures, cinematic shot, Cold tone, (Bright and intense:1.1), wide shot, ultra realistic illustration, siena natural ratio, 	Full length view,	very long curly brown hair,	white	crop top, white over coat, Leather skirt,	a sexy neighbor's wife,	brown eyes,	a watch, 	Art by Josephine Wall and Stephanie Law, Linda Ravenscroft, Kinuko Y. Craft. anime style.,Enhance,perfect split lighting,sunglasses ,color paint
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