
In the corner of a dungeon in the Middle Ages, under the dim light of an oil lamp, there is a hooded mage standing atop a pile of skulls. The emaciated mage is dark and menacing. In his left hand, he holds a blood red staff topped with an obsidian bat with its wings spread. His eyes are hidden in shadow and his face is skullish. His black robe is adorned with a red stole covered in demonic runes. Spiderwebs can be seen in the dark background of the cavern. More demonic runes can be seen on the dungeon walls. ,Gael,nodf_lora,oil painting,Handsome Belgian Men

In the corner of a dungeon in the Middle Ages, under the dim light of an oil lamp, there is a hooded mage standing atop a pile of skulls. The emaciated mage is dark and menacing. In his left hand, he holds a blood red staff topped with an obsidian bat with its wings spread. His eyes are hidden in shadow and his face is skullish. His black robe is adorned with a red stole covered in demonic runes. Spiderwebs can be seen in the dark background of the cavern. More demonic runes can be seen on the dungeon walls. ,Gael,nodf_lora,oil painting,Handsome Belgian Men
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