
(Masterpiece, Real, 16K),1970s American bar,Cute 21 year old girl, holding a bottle of Jack Daniels with both hands, small face, bashful smile, sparkling beautiful eyes, well set teeth, vivacious image, snow white skin, thin body, perfect body proportions, full body, maid costume, chestnut mesh hair, clear light and shadow, film grain, color 66mm film analog photography film Lomography, slightly dreamy hazy film grain, color 66mm film analog photography film Lomography maid costume, chestnut mesh hair, clear light and shadow, film grain, color 66mm film analog photo film lomography, slightly dreamy hazy film grain effect, whiskey bottle and neon glowing background, 5 fingers

(Masterpiece, Real, 16K),1970s American bar,Cute 21 year old girl, holding a bottle of Jack Daniels with both hands, small face, bashful smile, sparkling beautiful eyes, well set teeth, vivacious image, snow white skin, thin body, perfect body proportions, full body, maid costume, chestnut mesh hair, clear light and shadow, film grain, color 66mm film analog photography film Lomography, slightly dreamy hazy film grain, color 66mm film analog photography film Lomography maid costume, chestnut mesh hair, clear light and shadow, film grain, color 66mm film analog photo film lomography, slightly dreamy hazy film grain effect, whiskey bottle and neon glowing background, 5 fingers
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