
anime, lixu, a woman with long black ponytail hair, three front hair strands, purple eyes, a white one-piece outfit, at the bar, 8k, unreal engine, octane render, by kyun, gamang, Yoon Gon-Ji, g.ho, gosonjak, shuroop, serious, domi, noah, trending on pixiv, fanbox, skeb, masterpiece, smooth soft skin, big dreamy eyes, beautiful intricate colored hair, symmetrical, anime wide eyes, soft lighting, concept art, digital painting,

anime, lixu, a woman with long black ponytail hair, three front hair strands, purple eyes, a white one-piece outfit, at the bar, 8k, unreal engine, octane render, by kyun, gamang, Yoon Gon-Ji, g.ho, gosonjak, shuroop, serious, domi, noah, trending on pixiv, fanbox, skeb, masterpiece, smooth soft skin, big dreamy eyes, beautiful intricate colored hair, symmetrical, anime wide eyes, soft lighting, concept art, digital painting,
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