
在遙遠的東方,有一個古老的帝國,由一位強大的女皇統治。她的名字是慈禧,一位既令人敬畏又充滿神秘的統治者。慈禧不僅擁有凡人的智慧,還被賦予了龍的血脈,使她成為半魔半龍的存在。她的力量來自於天子的元素,這是授予她統治權和保護帝國的神聖力量。 然而,隨著時間的流逝,慈禧的力量開始超越了她的控制。她的心中滋生了一種不可抑制的渴望,那就是對絕對權力的追求。她開始利用她的魔法和龍的力量來加強她的統治,但這也導致了帝國內部的不穩定。在她的指揮下,義和團成為了她的私人軍隊,執行她的每一個命令,即使這些命令會對人民造成傷害。 最終,慈禧的野心引來了外國勢力的入侵,八國聯軍攻破了帝國的心臟——紫禁城。在這場災難中,慈禧釋放了她全部的魔法力量,試圖驅逐入侵者。她的龍翼展開,從她的身體中湧出了紫色的火焰,這是她力量的象徵,也是她絕望的表達。火焰不僅吞噬了敵人,也吞噬了她自己的帝國,將一切化為灰燼

1 girl, long hair, black hair, Qing Dynasty aristocratic female hair accessories are very gorgeous, covered with various gems and gold, sitting on a dragon chair, dragon, dragon tail, scales, behind there is a purple oriental dragon, huge dragon wings , black dragon horns, sharp claws, grasping this purple-light night pearl, red sky, black clouds, gorgeous red background, with gold-rimmed embroidered phoenix Hanfu, long sleeves with black water on the cuffs, the moon, a palace full of flames, buildings, East Asian Architecture Forbidden City, Oriental Dragon, Empress Dowager Cixi, purple eyes, luminous pearls on the palm covered with purple flames, surrounded by a large number of golden jewels, the whole body is filled with purple evil spirit, nodf_lora
(Long straight hair, with bangs), (obviously purple eyes),清朝
1 girl, long hair, purple hair, Qing Dynasty aristocratic female hair accessories are very gorgeous, covered with various gems and gold, sitting on a dragon chair, dragon, dragon tail, scales, behind there is a purple oriental dragon, huge dragon wings , black dragon horns, sharp claws, grasping this purple-light night pearl, red sky, black clouds, gorgeous red background, with gold-rimmed embroidered phoenix Hanfu, long sleeves with black water on the cuffs, the moon, a palace full of flames, buildings, East Asian Architecture Forbidden City, Oriental Dragon, Empress Dowager Cixi, purple eyes, luminous pearls on the palm covered with purple flames, surrounded by a large number of golden jewels, the whole body is filled with purple evil spirit, nodf_lora
(Long straight purple and black hair, with bangs), (obviously purple eyes)
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