
Stretched worn pants on the rope , farm landscape art on a cracked paper Craola, Runiac, Kehoe, grunge, beautiful, soft pastel colors, patchwork, mosaic, storybook illustration, highly detailed unusual beautiful details, intricated, intricated pose, tiny details masterpiece, high quality, intricated lighting, luminism

Stretched worn pants on the rope , farm landscape   art on a cracked paper Craola, Runiac, Kehoe,   grunge, beautiful, soft pastel colors,  patchwork, mosaic, storybook illustration, highly detailed unusual beautiful details, intricated, intricated pose, tiny details masterpiece, high quality, intricated lighting, luminism
Stretched worn pants on the rope , farm landscape   art on a cracked paper Craola, Runiac, Kehoe,   grunge, beautiful, soft pastel colors,  patchwork, mosaic, storybook illustration, highly detailed unusual beautiful details, intricated, intricated pose, tiny details masterpiece, high quality, intricated lighting, luminism
Stretched worn pants on the rope , farm landscape   art on a cracked paper Craola, Runiac, Kehoe,   grunge, beautiful, soft pastel colors,  patchwork, mosaic, storybook illustration, highly detailed unusual beautiful details, intricated, intricated pose, tiny details masterpiece, high quality, intricated lighting, luminism
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