
((art drawing)), (professional image), In this bench and black drawing done in pencil, Thor stands in front of an archway. He wears armor. The background is ornate and features a circular pattern, ((ultra sharp focus)), (realistic textures:1.1), aesthetic. masterpiece, pure perfection, high definition ((best quality, masterpiece, detailed)), ultra high resolution, hdr, art, high detail, add more detail, (extreme and intricate details), ((raw photo, 64k:1.37)), ((sharp focus:1.2)), (muted colors, dim colors, soothing tones ), siena natural ratio, ((more detail xl)),more detail XL,detailmaster2,Enhanced All,photo r3al,masterpiece,photo r3al,Masterpiece,

((art drawing)), (professional image), In this bench and black drawing done in pencil, Thor stands in front of an archway. He wears armor. The background is ornate and features a circular pattern, ((ultra sharp focus)), (realistic textures:1.1), aesthetic. masterpiece, pure perfection, high definition ((best quality, masterpiece, detailed)), ultra high resolution, hdr, art, high detail, add more detail, (extreme and intricate details), ((raw photo, 64k:1.37)), ((sharp focus:1.2)), (muted colors, dim colors, soothing tones ), siena natural ratio, ((more detail xl)),more detail XL,detailmaster2,Enhanced All,photo r3al,masterpiece,photo r3al,Masterpiece,
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