
Maximalism, masterpiece, top quality, 8k, high resolution, super detailed, absurd, concept art, vivid contrast, vibrant color, insanely detailed, (head shot:1.3) BREAK 1 beautiful girl, (Beautiful face, brightly colored shining eyes, clear skin, shiny hair: 1.2), (idol costume:1.3), (Flowers, butterflies, wind, moon:1.3) (Full-length composition:1.4), CrclWc,dragonbaby

Maximalism, masterpiece, top quality, 8k, high resolution, super detailed, absurd, concept art, 

vivid contrast, vibrant color, insanely detailed, (head shot:1.3)

1 beautiful girl, (Beautiful face, brightly colored shining eyes, clear skin, shiny hair: 1.2), (idol costume:1.3),
(Flowers, butterflies, wind, moon:1.3)
(Full-length composition:1.4), CrclWc,dragonbaby
Maximalism, masterpiece, top quality, 8k, high resolution, super detailed, absurd, concept art, 

vivid contrast, vibrant color, insanely detailed, (head shot:1.3)

1 beautiful girl, (Beautiful face, brightly colored shining eyes, clear skin, shiny hair: 1.2), (idol costume:1.3),
(Flowers, butterflies, wind, moon:1.3)
(Full-length composition:1.4), CrclWc,dragonbaby
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