
Modern art style on the theme of Natural born killers in the style of Stefan Gesell, RGB ratio, close-up, sinister man with bright white bloody face looking straight at you, bloody, sinister smile, dark, moody, creepy, eerie, fantasy horror art, photorealistic dark concept art, in style of dark fantasy art, detailed 4k horror artwork, highly detailed, darkart ,<lora:659095807385103906:1.0>

Modern art style on the theme of Natural born killers in the style of Stefan Gesell, RGB ratio, close-up,  sinister man with bright white bloody face looking straight at you, bloody, sinister smile, dark, moody, creepy, eerie, fantasy horror art, photorealistic dark concept art, in style of dark fantasy art, detailed 4k horror artwork, highly detailed, 

darkart ,<lora:659095807385103906:1.0>
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