
(masterful),(smile),(eyes Squinting:1.2),toothy smile,(radiant smile:1.5), albino demon little queen, (long intricate horns), a sister clad in gothic punk attire,fusion of traditional Japanese aesthetics and Gothic Lolita fashion, where elegant kimono silhouettes intertwine with the dark allure of Gothic elements. Picture elaborate, lace-trimmed kimonos in deep, rich colors adorned with ornate obis and corseted bodices,Accessories like parasols with lace and ribbons add a Victorian touch. Intricate hairpieces blend traditional tsumami kanzashi with gothic motifs, The color palette leans towards deep purples, blacks, and blood-reds, creating a striking contrast against the delicate fabrics,DonM1i1McQu1r3XL,nocturne,ct-niji2,dal, PERFECT FACE

(masterful),(smile),(eyes Squinting:1.2),toothy smile,(radiant smile:1.5),
albino demon little queen, (long intricate horns), a sister clad in gothic punk attire,fusion of traditional Japanese aesthetics and Gothic Lolita fashion, where elegant kimono silhouettes intertwine with the dark allure of Gothic elements. Picture elaborate, lace-trimmed kimonos in deep, rich colors adorned with ornate obis and corseted bodices,Accessories like parasols with lace and ribbons add a Victorian touch. Intricate hairpieces blend traditional tsumami kanzashi with gothic motifs, The color palette leans towards deep purples, blacks, and blood-reds, creating a striking contrast against the delicate fabrics,DonM1i1McQu1r3XL,nocturne,ct-niji2,dal, PERFECT FACE
(masterful),(smile),(Squinting),toothy smile,(radiant smile:1.5),
albino demon little queen, (long intricate horns), a sister clad in gothic punk attire,fusion of traditional Japanese aesthetics and Gothic Lolita fashion, where elegant kimono silhouettes intertwine with the dark allure of Gothic elements. Picture elaborate, lace-trimmed kimonos in deep, rich colors adorned with ornate obis and corseted bodices,Accessories like parasols with lace and ribbons add a Victorian touch. Intricate hairpieces blend traditional tsumami kanzashi with gothic motifs, The color palette leans towards deep purples, blacks, and blood-reds, creating a striking contrast against the delicate fabrics,DonM1i1McQu1r3XL,nocturne,ct-niji2,dal, PERFECT FACE
(masterful),(smile),(Squinting),toothy smile,radiant smile,
albino demon little queen, (long intricate horns), a sister clad in gothic punk attire,fusion of traditional Japanese aesthetics and Gothic Lolita fashion, where elegant kimono silhouettes intertwine with the dark allure of Gothic elements. Picture elaborate, lace-trimmed kimonos in deep, rich colors adorned with ornate obis and corseted bodices,Accessories like parasols with lace and ribbons add a Victorian touch. Intricate hairpieces blend traditional tsumami kanzashi with gothic motifs, The color palette leans towards deep purples, blacks, and blood-reds, creating a striking contrast against the delicate fabrics,DonM1i1McQu1r3XL,nocturne,ct-niji2,dal
(masterful),lovely smile, Squinting,toothy smile,
albino demon little queen, (long intricate horns), a sister clad in gothic punk attire,fusion of traditional Japanese aesthetics and Gothic Lolita fashion, where elegant kimono silhouettes intertwine with the dark allure of Gothic elements. Picture elaborate, lace-trimmed kimonos in deep, rich colors adorned with ornate obis and corseted bodices,Accessories like parasols with lace and ribbons add a Victorian touch. Intricate hairpieces blend traditional tsumami kanzashi with gothic motifs, The color palette leans towards deep purples, blacks, and blood-reds, creating a striking contrast against the delicate fabrics,DonM1i1McQu1r3XL,nocturne,ct-niji2,dal
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