
"To the creators of Tensor Art, I hear the collective frustration and understand the disappointment expressed by many users, myself included. It's disheartening when a platform we contribute to, like Tensor Art, seems to ignore our concerns completely. User H's message resonated deeply with me and many others. Your bravery in publicly expressing your disappointment is admirable. His specific concerns, such as the lack of: Monetization options beyond "Credits": H clearly expressed his disapproval of the current "chip tricks" with "Credits" and asking for real financial compensation for the time and effort that users dedicate. Transparency and communication: H highlighted the silence around his questions about monetization and rewards for users, stating that "silence is also the answer", suggesting a lack of interest or action on the part of the platform. Fair and affordable rewards: H expressed his discontent with the current system, comparing it to a "casino" where only a few "lucky" users are rewarded, while the majority are left with only "fun." They advocated a system based on effort and achievement, accessible to all. The silence surrounding these concerns, as user H pointed out, says it all. It involves a disregard for user feedback, an unwillingness to engage in open communication, and potentially a prioritization of profits over user well-being. This leads to understandable skepticism and possible negative publicity. We, the users, deserve better. We deserve platforms that recognize our contributions, reward our efforts fairly, and treat us with respect. Therefore, I ask for transparency from Tensor Art. We need clear answers to the questions raised by H and many others. Here are some potential solutions inspired by H's suggestions: -Expanding payment options beyond PayPal: As user H rightly pointed out, the current limited payment options create an accessibility barrier for users from various regions and with different preferences. Expand payment methods to include widely used solutions such as Western Union, Mercado Pago, Personal Pay, Payoneer, as mentioned by user H himself, and regional services encouraging inclusivity and demonstrating commitment to serving a global user base. -Image Monetization: Explore a YouTube-like model that allows users to earn money from ads displayed on their generated images or sponsored content partnerships with brands. -Microtransactions: implement a system where creators can sell our individual creations directly to other users for a fixed price. -Revenue sharing models: share a portion of the platform's revenue with users based on their contributions (e.g. image views, downloads, prompts used). -Open Dialogue: Create dedicated forums or communication channels to facilitate open and transparent discussions between users and creators. Ultimately, any solution must prioritize creating genuine value for users and fostering a sustainable and mutually beneficial ecosystem. We, the users, support user H and all those who feel ignored and undervalued. We will continue to advocate for fair treatment and a platform that values our contributions. Sincerely, A concerned user and supporter of H."

Detailed shot of a beautiful slender woman on a gold pedestal, blue-black hair, makeup, hypnotizing look, red jasper stone crystal ball in her hand, posing creatively with red jasper, digital painting, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, seasonal art impressionist art, sharp soft focus, illustration, Unreal Engine 5, 8k, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonsemucha
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