
evil dark, (Beautiful female in futuristic attire holding a sword, in the style of movie still, snapshot realism, light blue and white, chinapunk, cyberpunk realism, poolcore ) ,sparks,, painting canvas style, sharp focus, emitting diodes, smoke, artillery, sparks, racks, system unit, perfect composition, beautifully detailed,shards,glass,gaoranger,glass_clothes,Masterpiece

evil dark, (Beautiful female in futuristic attire holding a sword, in the style of movie still, snapshot realism, light blue and white,  chinapunk, cyberpunk realism, poolcore ) ,sparks,, painting canvas style, sharp focus, emitting diodes, smoke, artillery, sparks, racks, system unit, perfect composition, beautifully detailed,shards,glass,gaoranger,glass_clothes,Masterpiece
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