
(RAW photo, best quality), (realistic, photo-Realistic:1.1), best quality, masterpiece, beautiful and aesthetic, 16K, (HDR:1.2), high contrast, (vibrant color:1.3), (muted colors, dim colors, soothing tones:0), cinematic lighting, ambient lighting, sidelighting, Exquisite details and textures, cinematic shot, Warm tone, (Bright and intense:1.1), wide shot, by xm887, ultra realistic illustration, siena natural ratio, (dark fantasy theme:1.2), (dark art:1.1), ((lightning)),((fire)),((ice)), Full length view, long Wave brown hair, (a chic look:1.4), Dark Gray bracelet, wearing a white winter jacket and scarf, white fur hat, a beautiful Argentine model, beautiful shimmering makeup, frosty lips, icy eyeshadow, a small earrings, femme fatale, cinematic lighting, ambient lighting, sidelighting, Black background, Studio lighting, professional photography

(RAW photo, best quality), (realistic, photo-Realistic:1.1), best quality, masterpiece, beautiful and aesthetic, 16K, (HDR:1.2), high contrast, (vibrant color:1.3), (muted colors, dim colors, soothing tones:0), cinematic lighting, ambient lighting, sidelighting, Exquisite details and textures, cinematic shot, Warm tone, (Bright and intense:1.1), wide shot, by xm887, ultra realistic illustration, siena natural ratio,	(dark fantasy theme:1.2), (dark art:1.1), ((lightning)),((fire)),((ice)), 	Full length view,	long Wave brown hair,	(a chic look:1.4),	Dark Gray	bracelet, wearing a white winter jacket and scarf, white fur hat, 	a beautiful Argentine model, 	beautiful shimmering makeup, frosty lips, icy eyeshadow,	a small earrings, 	femme fatale, cinematic lighting, ambient lighting, sidelighting, Black background, Studio lighting, professional photography
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