
Wizard casts magic in mystical candlelit room cover, hyper-detailed painting, glow, octane render, bar lighting, complex, 8k resolution concept art portrait of Martina Fačkov and Prywin0, Artger, frywinko Artakam, ion Martina Fatra detail bioluminescence , the surreal cover photo is awesome, full color, hand drawn, bright, gritty, realistic, da Vinci, erte .12k, intricate. Hit definition, cinematic, rough sketches, bold dark lines and a loose mix. Real life humans, all enhanced, Add_Details_XL-fp16 algorithm enhanced, super clear, 4D octane rendering, (best quality masterpiece),

Wizard casts magic in mystical candlelit room cover, hyper-detailed painting, glow, octane render, bar lighting, complex, 8k resolution concept art portrait of Martina Fačkov and Prywin0, Artger, frywinko Artakam, ion Martina Fatra detail bioluminescence , the surreal cover photo is awesome, full color, hand drawn, bright, gritty, realistic, da Vinci, erte .12k, intricate. Hit definition, cinematic, rough sketches, bold dark lines and a loose mix. Real life humans, all enhanced, Add_Details_XL-fp16 algorithm enhanced, super clear, 4D octane rendering, (best quality masterpiece),
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