
ultra realistic photography, soft focus, cinematographic camera, soft lighting, dynamic photography, Professional edition, Ultra realistic details. Long, dark hair, with brown highlights. Loose, with natural waves. Blue eyes, with an intense shine. Contagious and warm smile. Curvilinear and voluptuous body. With an hourglass figure,Realism,<lora:659111690174031528:1.0>

ultra realistic photography, soft focus, cinematographic camera, soft lighting, dynamic photography, Professional edition, Ultra realistic details. Long, dark hair, with brown highlights. Loose, with natural waves. Blue eyes, with an intense shine. Contagious and warm smile. Curvilinear and voluptuous body. With an hourglass figure,Realism,<lora:659111690174031528:1.0>
ultra realistic photography, soft focus, cinematographic camera, soft lighting, dynamic photography, Professional edition, Ultra realistic details. Long, dark hair, with brown highlights. Loose, with natural waves. Blue eyes, with an intense shine. Contagious and warm smile. Curvilinear and voluptuous body. With an hourglass figure,Realism
ultra realistic photography, soft focus, cinematographic camera, dynamic photography, Ultra realistic details. 20 years old girl. ((Long, dark hair, with brown highlights)). Loose, with natural waves. ((Blue eyes)), with an intense shine. Contagious and warm smile. Curvilinear and voluptuous body. With an hourglass figure,Realism
ultra realistic photography, soft focus, cinematographic camera, dynamic photography, Ultra realistic details. 20 years old girl. ((Long, dark hair, with brown highlights)). Loose, with natural waves. ((Blue eyes)), with an intense shine. Contagious and warm smile. Curvilinear and voluptuous body. With an hourglass figure,Realism
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