
BILLBOARDS, An anime-style wide-format artwork featuring mutual affection scenes. A beautiful anime woman, wrapped in 'Luna's veil', a silk rainbow curtain with embroidery, among gemstones, a kaleidoscope pattern,The girl dancing in a dreamscape with a tunnel of neon lights in red, yellow, and blue, and spiraling lines like 'Luminous blue variable' stars. The woman in an ethereal landscape with Fibonacci spirals, an enchanted forest, serene waters, a blooming oasis, under dusk light, against a cityscape. The artwork mixes 3D and 2D styles for a photorealistic yet whimsical effect, highlighting beauty, joy, magic, and intricate detail, with a beautiful diffusion effect., Art by Clayton Crain, Stjepan Šejić, WLOP, Artgerm, interactive image, highly detailed.

BILLBOARDS, An anime-style wide-format artwork featuring mutual affection scenes. A beautiful anime woman, wrapped in 'Luna's veil', a silk rainbow curtain with embroidery, among gemstones, a kaleidoscope pattern,The girl dancing in a dreamscape with a tunnel of neon lights in red, yellow, and blue, and spiraling lines like 'Luminous blue variable' stars. The woman in an ethereal landscape with Fibonacci spirals, an enchanted forest, serene waters, a blooming oasis, under dusk light, against a cityscape. The artwork mixes 3D and 2D styles for a photorealistic yet whimsical effect, highlighting beauty, joy, magic, and intricate detail, with a beautiful diffusion effect., Art by  Clayton Crain, Stjepan Šejić, WLOP, Artgerm, interactive image, highly detailed.
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