
Kurisu Makise, a prominent character in the visual novel and anime series "Steins;Gate," possesses a striking and memorable appearance. She is a young woman with a distinctive, sophisticated charm. Her long, chestnut-brown hair falls gracefully in loose waves, framing her face and extending down to her shoulders. Her expressive, intelligent, and somewhat reserved emerald-green eyes are a defining feature, conveying her intellect and depth of character. Kurisu's fashion sense is a blend of professionalism and contemporary style, often seen in her signature white lab coat over a black dress, which complements her figure gracefully. With an aura of both elegance and academic brilliance, Kurisu Makise's appearance perfectly mirrors her complex and enigmatic personality.

Kurisu Makise, a prominent character in the visual novel and anime series "Steins;Gate," possesses a striking and memorable appearance. She is a young woman with a distinctive, sophisticated charm. Her long, chestnut-brown hair falls gracefully in loose waves, framing her face and extending down to her shoulders. Her expressive, intelligent, and somewhat reserved emerald-green eyes are a defining feature, conveying her intellect and depth of character. Kurisu's fashion sense is a blend of professionalism and contemporary style, often seen in her signature white lab coat over a black dress, which complements her figure gracefully. With an aura of both elegance and academic brilliance, Kurisu Makise's appearance perfectly mirrors her complex and enigmatic personality.
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