
assisted exposure, shirt pull with



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Trigger words:

exp1, assisted exposure, pull up, lifted by another, clothes lift, shirt lift, bikini lift

exp1, assisted exposure, pull down, bouncing breasts, unaligned breasts, nipples, motion lines

assisted exposure with a focus on bouncing and unaligned breasts, it can pull the clothes up and down too :D

  • If you want to pull the clothes up use: exp1, assisted exposure, pull up, lifted by another, clothes lift, shirt lift, or bikini lift

  • If you want to pull the clothes down: exp1, assisted exposure, pull down, bouncing breasts, unaligned breasts, nipples, motion lines

You can weight up the "bouncing breasts, unaligned breasts" part for some extra juicy bouncing action ^^

Version Detail

exp1, assisted exposure, pull up, lifted by another, clothes lift, shirt lift, bikini lift exp1, assisted exposure, pull down, bouncing breasts, unaligned breasts, nipples, motion lines

Project Permissions

Model reprinted from : https://civitai.com/models/802681/assisted-exposure-shirt-pull-with-bouncing-breasts?modelVersionId=

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.


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