
NAI-NAI: 100% NAI Free experimental merge




NAI-NAI: 100% NAI Free experimental merge

This is not an LCM model. The number of steps is 20 and the CFG Scales is 7.

LCMモデルではありません。ステップ数は20,CFG Scalesは7を基準にしてください。

NAI is known in the industry as an abbreviation for NovelAI. It is used to mean the SD model created by NovelAI. On the other hand, in Japanese, "nai" also means the negation of existence. Therefore, NAI-NAI was created as a model that does not include NAI at all.


I think noone cares it anymore, but at one time, some people were trying to create an SD model that didn't include the leaked data from NovelAI. I happened to see an article about it on the Internet recently, and when I read it, it said that at least DreamShaper 6 and the early WAIFUs did not include NAI.

"Isn't that enough?"

As someone who has done a lot of unusual things, like turning anime drawings into photos, turning photos into anime drawings, and creating models on themes with almost no material, this seemed like an easy thing to do. This model was created using several approaches as a trial. No additional learning with new images was done.

もはや誰も気にしていないと思いますが,一時期,NovelAIからの流出データを含まないSDモデルを作ろうとしていた人たちもいたようです。最近たまたまネットで記事を目にすることがあったので読むと,少なくともDreamShaper 6と初期のWAIFUにはNAIが含まれていないということでした。



The base models used were DreamShaper6, FlexWaifu Rainbow, and v1-5-pruned-emaonly. They were created by combining LoRA complex with enhanced features of each model using TrainDifference, etc. LoRA complex is literally a combination of many LoRAs, and BGEnhance is the result of extracting only the background part. It has been applied in various fields. If it were not for the model difference LoRA, there would not be even 1% NAI components in LoRA.

使用したベースモデルはDreamShaper6とFlexWaifu Rainbow,そしてv1-5-pruned-emaonlyだけです。TrainDifferenceなどでそれぞれの特徴を強化したものとLoRA complexと組み合わせて作成しました。LoRA complexは文字どおり多数のLoRAを組み合わせたもので,たとえば,その背景部分だけを抜き出したのがBGEnhanceになります。BGEnhanceをさまざまな分野で行ったものです。モデルの差分LoRAでなければ,LoRAにNAI成分は1%もありません。

Since we were going to make it NAI Free, I also paid attention to the LoRA license. I'm using about 300 types of LoRA this time, but I have only included those that have no restrictions other than prohibiting the sale of models and generation on other services.

せっかくNAI Freeにするのであれば,LoRAのライセンスにも気を配りました。今回はおそらく300種くらいのLoRAを使用していますが,モデルの販売と他サービスでのジェネレーションを禁止する以上の制限のないものだけで構成してあります。

Some of you may have guessed, but I've been working on this since before BGEnhance, and I think I've made many prototypes using the current method alone. I was struggling with how to organize it, and I was close to shelving it, but I decided to release it since I had the chance. There are many versions, such as one where the characters collapse because I put too much effort into the background, and one where I tried using the fluffy LoRA characters that I've been tinkering with recently, but I've decided to release one that I pulled out and merged some of the earliest ones and reduced the influence of LoRA complex. If I tweak it too much, the main theme will become unclear. This model produces simple, slightly old-fashioned images.

なんとなく察している人もいると思いますが,これはBGEnhanceの前から作っていたもので,現在の方式のものだけでも多くの試作をしてきました。ある程度の形にするところまではすぐにできたのですが,そこからどんな形でまとめるかで悩んで,お蔵入りしかけていました。背景に力を入れすぎてキャラが崩壊しているバージョンとか,最近手を出しているゆるふわ系のキャラLoRA群を使ってみたものなど多数ありますが,かなり初期のものを引っ張り出してマージし,LoRA complexの影響を下げたものを公開することにします。シンプルでちょっと古い感じの絵柄のモデルです。

Version Detail

SD 1.5

Project Permissions

Model reprinted from : https://civitai.com/models/486956/nai-nai-100percent-nai-free-experimental-merge

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.


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