
gundam victory zanscare pilot suit



Hello everyone, I'm here again. I digressed from the topic first. When I was cooking at noon, I put my hand in the frying pan, and the progress suddenly slowed down a lot. Sorry for the slow release speed.

This is the material provided by civitai netizens. I rarely use animation materials for training. I am still worried that the details are not enough and that WD14 cannot recognize the material well. So I have never used animation materials.

The two-dimensional expression is better, which may be related to the checkpoint, and the performance is also good in realism.

Share it with everyone here, hope you like it. hehe

Version Detail

SD 1.5
<pre><code>Weight 1 The helmet is unstable and cannot be completely reproduced, so it is more charming without a helmet, haha. Delete or keep the prompt word yourself.</code></pre>

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