
A style adjust of Animagine XL V3



A style merge base on https://civitai.com/models/260267/animagine-xl-v3

This is an extremely, extremely, extremely insignificant adjustment of the Animagine XL V3 .

All rights, including license agreements, remain with Cagliostrolab.

1.reduced the black outline.

2.adjust color

3.some style if I like it

I want to release a Lora , but the training using Lycrois with preset=full , and I made some train&merge.

Instead of release a more than 4G "Lora" and very long readme ,it's better to just make the all train%mbw&lbw and release it.

Thanks for the Cagliostrolab fantisy work.

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Version Detail

SD 1.5

Project Permissions

Model reprinted from : https://civitai.com/models/263085/a-style-adjust-of-animagine-xl-v3?modelVersionId=296612

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.


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