
Train women under skirt : 電車内対面パンチラ盗撮



Model imported from ©Civitai

Creator: Producer_Y

Civitai home page: https://civitai.com/user/Producer_Y

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Version Detail

SD 1.5
It shows the woman's skirt sitting in the train. Reacts to almost any upskirt word combination. The basic starting word is: "Train women , sitting chair , under skirt, " You can also add the following: "underwear, (panties visible), pantyshot, thigh highs, glowing" These words create a smoother picture. CFG : 5 -7 Models can also be done in live action or in animations. Let's test it out If you have any questions or requests for production, please send me a message on the link https://linktr.ee/Producer_y

Project Permissions

Model reprinted from : https://civitai.com/models/345165?modelVersionId=386323

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.


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