



波浪卷发的女生动漫头像,即这款AGGJoi,AGG是anime gorgeousgirl的缩写,Joi则是银翼杀手2049中的虚拟女友角色。AGGJoi适合作为女生头像,特征元素包括(触发词):AGG,roseaccessories玫瑰花饰品、牡丹花peony、flowertattoo鲜花纹身、glamorouscurls魅力波浪长卷发。如果不限定背景,一般都会抽出纯色背景,whitebackground出的图很适合做头像。起名Joi是致敬经典影片银翼杀手中的虚拟女友Joi,希望大家喜欢。

Me Cat recently trained the anime image of a beautiful girl with glamorous curls into this model AGG Joi. AGG means anime gorgeous girl, cause blacat really loves the movie blade runner 2049 which contains the amazing virtual girl friend 'Joi'. The picture is suitable as a girl's avatar. The characteristic elements include (super beautiful colorful flower tattoos, perfect face, hhh), rose accessories , peony, flower tattoo, glamorous curls and other elements, the pictures with white background are very suitable for avatars. The name Joi is a tribute to Joi's virtual girlfriend in the classic film Blade Runner. I hope you can like it.

Common words for training: AGG, Joi, anime gorgeous girl. The face shape of this model is relatively fixed, with slight differences. The overall style is that of a 2.5D anime queen. The weights are more metaphysical. Under normal circumstances, the 0.1~0.7 weight effect is excellent (this cat I personally tested 0.3 or 0.6, or even slightly controlled 0.1, and I got the feeling). Occasionally, the effect of using 0.8~1 is amazing in special circumstances.

Of course, the best effect is to use large-scale models with both animation and realistic styles such as Virtual Utopia released by Maomao. I hope everyone has a good time drawing cards and can find the perfect image of the two-dimensional royal sister (lvcha) in their hearts!

Hidden prompts: flower tattoo, glamorous curls, peony accessories, rose accessories,

Version Detail

SDXL 1.0

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