
Eldritch Art (stylized painting look)




Stylized illustrative painting style

This LoRA is a merge, but from all my own training. For those familiar with my models, at a glance you might think it's derived largely from the oil painting style, ClassiPeintXL. But in fact, the real-world art material is from my training of the (possibly underappreciated) pastel drawing style LoRA PastelArtXL. The other predominant style here is my recent Eldritch Comics, contributing to the strong outlines and somewhat heightened coloring.

There is also a little of ClassipeintXL and a little of ParchArtXL, bringing a bit of extra versatility. Prompt for ink on parchment and you'll get something reminiscent of the ParchArt LoRA.

In general, I haven't been using any keyword with this. If I find something I deem necessary I'll share it here. It moves a bit in the direction of artists named in the prompt and can sometimes be a bit more painterly and sometimes a bit more digital art in appearance.

Let me know your experiences using it!

Version Detail

SDXL 1.0
first version

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