
Cosmic Canvas SDXL




This lora is meant to help create emphasis on a subject through an artistic mix of colors and the background.

Trigger word: cosmic canvas

Usage: cosmic canvas, ________ background, subject

a background needs to be specified, color is optional

  • the background can be anything, cosmic or galaxy usually leads to good results but you can experiment with objects as well

  • e.g. cosmic canvas, blue bubble tea background, painting of a chubby cat


  • I found that setting up wildcards for backgrounds and colors + magic prompt is a good way to get some creative results

  • If you don't want a background or want something more plain to focus more on the subject then try prompting simple background or white background, minimalist background, etc..

  • if the background you prompted isn't showing up try to describe more of the scene, e.g: instead of (kitchen background) try stovetop, wooden cabinets, marble floor, etc..

If you liked this lora please consider leaving me a review or supporting me on Ko-Fi

Looking forward to seeing what everyone creates!

Version Detail

SDXL 1.0

Project Permissions

    Use Permissions

  • Use without crediting me

  • Share merges of this model

  • Use different permissions on merges

    Commercial Use

  • Sell generated images

  • Use on generation services

  • Sell this model or merges


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