
Sonechka | VK stickers char



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Sonechka is a character of VK social network stickers. LoRA is trained in 768x768 resolution.

Main weight - 0.7.

Trigger words - SonechkaVK (for char), blue headset.

Additional words - fake animal ears (for ears on a headset), ponytail, pink hair, long hair (for stable hair), cleavage, red sweater, clothing cutout, cleavage cutout (for a canonical outfit), makeup.

Сонечка - персонаж стикеров социальной сети ВК. ЛоРА тренировалась в разрешении 768х768.

Основной вес - 0.7.

Слово триггер - SonechkaVK (сам персонаж), blue headset.

Дополнительные слова - fake animal ears (для ушек на гарнитуре), ponytail, pink hair, long hair (для стабильных волос), cleavage, red sweater, clothing cutout, cleavage cutout (для каноничного наряда), makeup.

Version Detail

SD 1.5

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