🐙 Tentacle FFashion XL Series - SFW (LoRA, LoHA, LoKR, LoRA FA)




🐙 FFusionAI's Tentacle Fashion LoRA 1 Debut! SFW

We're elated to unveil our first foray into the captivating realm of Tentacle Fashion with LoRA N1. Seamlessly generated visuals encapsulate the vision of a contemporary woman, subtly embraced by abstract and surreal tentacles. What's more, these images are curated from our enterprise account with MidJourney and are completely safe for work (guaranteed NO PG 18 rating).

Our dedication to quality is embodied by the powerful training undertaken using CivitAI Trainer:

  "unetLR": 0.0005,
  "clipSkip": 1,
  "loraType": "lora",
  "keepTokens": 0,
  "networkDim": 64,
  "numRepeats": 1,
  "resolution": 1024,
  "lrScheduler": "cosine_with_restarts",
  "minSnrGamma": 5,
  "targetSteps": 3525,
  "enableBucket": true,
  "networkAlpha": 16,
  "optimizerArgs": "weight_decay=0.1",
  "optimizerType": "AdamW8Bit",
  "textEncoderLR": 0.00005,
  "maxTrainEpochs": 15,
  "shuffleCaption": false,
  "trainBatchSize": 4,
  "flipAugmentation": false,
  "lrSchedulerNumCycles": 3

Lycoris training using LoKR, LoHA, Dylora, and a fusion of all have also been infused into our creation. The configuration is set with:

--network_args "algo=full" "preset=FFusionAI.toml"

and our module type table follows as:

{'LohaModule': 176, 'LoConModule': 150, 'FullModule': 26, 'LokrModule': 700}

For a deeper dive into the configuration specifics, check out:

LyCORIS Config Example


🎨 Readme Crafted by: 🤖 & FFusionAI 🚀

🌐 Contact Information

The FFusion.ai project is proudly maintained by Source Code Bulgaria Ltd & Black Swan Technologies.

📧 Reach us at di@ffusion.ai for any inquiries or support.

🌌 Find us on:


🌍 Sofia Istanbul London




Version Detail

SDXL 1.0
<p>Lycoris - LoHA run</p><p>"preset": "attn-mlp"</p><pre><code> "modelspec.author": "FFusion AI", "ss_network_args": { "preset": "attn-mlp", "algo": "loha", "dropout": 0.0 }, "sshs_legacy_hash": "2e43e845", "modelspec.tags": "FFusion.AI, FFai.eu, FFusion, Lora, Lycoris, Lokr", "modelspec.title": "Tentacle-FFashion-LOha-0416", "modelspec.date": "2023-10-11T10:53:42", "sshs_model_hash": "8b3e16207411912b74aed0e79a1d808d20380f78e56fdc74068d9ff572b54993", "ss_base_model_version": "sdxl_base_v1-0", "ss_v2": "False", "ss_network_dim": "16", "ss_network_alpha": "0.4", "modelspec.architecture": "stable-diffusion-xl-v1-base/lora", "modelspec.resolution": "1024x1024", "modelspec.implementation": "https://github.com/Stability-AI/generative-models", "ss_network_module": "lycoris.kohya", "modelspec.prediction_type": "epsilon", "modelspec.timestep_range": "50,950", "modelspec.sai_model_spec": "1.0.0"</code></pre>

Project Permissions

    Use Permissions

  • Use in TENSOR Online

  • As a online training base model on TENSOR

  • Use without crediting me

  • Share merges of this model

  • Use different permissions on merges

    Commercial Use

  • Sell generated contents

  • Use on generation services

  • Sell this model or merges


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