
旅館 ryokan




ちょっと懐かしい感じの和室の旅館 Japanese-style ryokan with a slightly nostalgic feel

そして窓際にはお約束のローテーブルと椅子がおいてあるくつろぎスペース「広縁」も And a relaxing space with a low table and chairs by the window.



ryokan, scenery, table, indoors, television, window, chair, cup, ceiling light, lamp, flower pot, sunlight,


Prompt2 おふとんをひく pull out a futon

ryokan, window, scenery, indoors, pillow, bed, chair, book, television, blanket, curtains, bedroom, futon, lamp,


realistic, photo background とか付けるとリアル感が増します。

if you add a "realistic, photo background" It will feel more realistic

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旅館 (ryokan)


A ryokan (旅館)[a] is a type of traditional Japanese inn that typically features tatami-matted rooms, communal baths, and other public areas where visitors may wear yukata and talk with the owner.[1] Ryokan have existed since the eighth century A.D. during the Keiun period, which is when the oldest hotel in the world, Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan, was created in 705 A.D. Another old ryokan called Hōshi Ryokan was founded in 718 A.D. and was also known as the world's second oldest hotel. Such inns also served travelers along Japan's highways.

広縁 (hiro-en)

A hiro-en is a deep veranda.

It is said to give a sense of spaciousness to the Japanese-style room and to block sunlight from outside, thus damaging tatami mats, sliding doors, and shoji screens differently.

Japanese inns and hotels often have an hiro-en. Ryokans are furnished with tables and chairs so that guests can relax and enjoy the view from the window.

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