
Serena - Yu-Gi-Oh!



  • Trained with Anime (full-final-pruned) model.

  • Recommended LoRA weights: 0.7-1

  • Activation tags;

    • serena_arc_v: to get her overall appearance. Use along with hair bow, yellow ribbon, and ponytail.

  • serena_academia: to get her acadamia uniform. Use along with red jacket, red skirt, black shirt, black shorts, shorts under skirt, fingerless gloves, and single glove.

  • serena_lancer: to get her outfit as a lancer. Use along jacket, black shirt, white neck, white skirt, and brown belt. Also place red skirt in the negative prompt.

  • To get her to wear clothing not trained in this LoRA try the following:

    • Lower LoRA to either 0.8 or 0.7.

    • Place serena_academia, and serena_lancer with 1.2 or 1.3 weights in the negative prompt.

    • If anything else fails, use inpainting to fix any mistake.

Version Detail

SD 1.5

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