
図書館 library SDXL




中央図書館の風景を学習させました。Train in the landscape of the Central Library.


外観 (exterior)

NCT0, motor vehicle, ground vehicle, tree, outdoors, car, road, scenery, street, building, cloud, power lines, sky, road sign, lamppost, utility pole, sign, cloudy sky, grey sky, traffic light, realistic, eal world location


入口付近(Near the entrance)

NCT1, ground vehicle, bicycle, scenery, outdoors, building, road, motor vehicle, street, photo background, power lines, city, tree, realistic, real world location


館内・本棚 (Inside the library and bookshelves:)

NCT2, bookshelf, scenery, book, library, ceiling, shelf, realistic, photo (medium), photo background, real world location


館内・ソファー付近 (In the library, near the sofa)

NCT2, scenery, chair, book, shelf, bookshelf, computer, box, table, window, sunlight, office, couch, desk, realistic, real world location


Version Detail

SDXL 1.0

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