
Public restroom



<p>LoRA trained on dataset of male public restroom, as most models seem to generate private bathrooms only. Trained also on nsfw data.</p><p><strong><u>Please rate and leave a like if you enjoyed it!</u></strong></p><p>Trigger: <strong><em>restroom</em></strong></p><p>Optional tags to add: <em>urinal, toilet, stall, door, bathroom, window, sink, faucet</em>, etc.</p><p><u>Additional info</u></p><p>I make these models for fun and for the challenge and release them for free for everyone to enjoy, for non-commercial use (see license). The one thing I ask of you is to provide rating and feedback! That helps me understand where I can improve and helps me stay motivated to produce more content!</p><p>I accept suggestions or requests here or on Civitai discord server.</p><p>You can also check my more polished images and upcoming models on my <a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/25545070">pixiv </a>profile.</p>
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Version Detail

SD 1.5

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