
Evening dress S2



<p>这是一个新开的系列,感觉自己有填不完的坑。但还是想做点不那么性感的衣服。大家各取所需。</p><p>This is a new series, and it feels like it has an endless hole to fill. But I still want to make something a little less sexy. Everyone takes what he needs.</p><p><span style="color:rgb(193, 194, 197)">我只是一名业余的SD爱好者,每天需要花很多的时间去寻找素材,抠图,制作,测试,最后再发布。这耗费了我太多的精力。如果你愿意支持我的话,可以请我喝杯</span><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://ko-fi.com/tutuhuatuhua0">KO-FI</a><span style="color:rgb(193, 194, 197)">,或者去我的</span><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://tutuhuatuhua.usells.com/"><u>橱窗支持我一下</u></a><span style="color:rgb(193, 194, 197)">。这里面有我未发布的我觉得不错的LORA。感谢大家的喜爱!!!如果你需要特殊的订制也可以联系Q88465996 。</span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(193, 194, 197)">I'm just an ******* SD enthusiast, and I spend a lot of time every day finding material, matting, making, testing, and finally publishing. It took too much of my energyIf you want to support me, you can buy me a drink of</span><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://ko-fi.com/tutuhuatuhua0"> KO-FI</a><span style="color:rgb(193, 194, 197)">, or go to</span><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://tutuhuatuhua.usells.com/"> my window and support me.</a><span style="color:rgb(193, 194, 197)"> There's my unreleased LORA in there that I think is good Thank you for your love!! If you need special order, you can also contact Q88465996。</span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(250, 82, 82)">特别感谢在我</span><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://tutuhuatuhua.usells.com/"><span style="color:rgb(76, 110, 245)">橱窗</span></a><span style="color:rgb(250, 82, 82)">中支持的九位朋友。你们的支持给我坚持下去的动力。如果使用中需要例图的可以添加我的Q:88465996。</span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(250, 82, 82)">Special thanks to the nine friends who supported me in the </span><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://tutuhuatuhua.usells.com/"><span style="color:rgb(76, 110, 245)">window</span></a><span style="color:rgb(250, 82, 82)">. Your support gives me the motivation to carry on.If you need an example diagram in use, you can add my Q:88465996.</span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(250, 82, 82)"><img src="https://image.civitai.space/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/a2ff1324-7009-49bd-907d-4660cbc636f4/width=525/a2ff1324-7009-49bd-907d-4660cbc636f4.jpeg" /></span></p>

Version Detail

SD 1.5

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