
豆蔻 Doukou



豆蔻 Doukou



This is a fusion of colored pencils and watercolor style testing results, suitable for making avatars.

豆蔻:一种花色淡黄、果实含香可入药的多年生草本植物;比喻少女。指少女十三四岁的妙龄年代。 出自:唐 杜牧《赠别》诗:“娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。”

"Doukou" refers to a perennial herbaceous plant with light yellow flowers and fragrant fruits that can be used in medicine. It also metaphorically refers to a young girl, typically around the age of thirteen or fourteen. This term appears in a poem by Du Mu, a poet from the Tang Dynasty, titled "Farewell Gift": "Graceful and charming, just over thirteen, Doukou at the beginning of the second month."

Version Detail

SD 1.5

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