





汉服唐风文档: https://sleepy-oyster-204.notion.site/tang-style-c4a0af02d2a844d1b8a4406e282291b7

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唐 tang 3.5-3.0 tags

☑️ 上衫 upper shan ☑️ 长上衫 long upper shan

☑️ orange/red/green/blue/pink/yellow/white+upper shan ☑️ 橙/红/绿/蓝/粉/黄/白 + 上衫

☑️ 淡蓝 light blue ☑️ 浅绿 light green ☑️ 浅红 light red ☑️ 青蓝 cyan blue ☑️ 浅紫色 light purple ☑️ 黑蓝 black with blue ☑️ 橙白 white with orange ☑️ 粉黑 pink with black

☑️ 齐胸破裙 chest po skirt ☑️ 齐胸褶裙 chest pleated skirt

☑️ white/red/green/blue/pink/blue/purple + chest pleated skirt ☑️ 白/红/绿/蓝/粉/蓝/紫 + 齐胸破裙/齐胸褶裙

☑️ 彩色 multicolour ☑️ 紫白 purple with white ☑️ 黄白 white with yellow ☑️ 天蓝 blue with white ☑️ 橙白 orange with white ☑️ 灰豆绿 green with white ☑️ 淡黄白 light orange with white ☑️ 粉白裙子 pink with white / white with pink

☑️ 系带 waistband

☑️ green/yello/red/pink/orange + waistband ☑️ 绿/黄/红/粉/橙 + 系带

☑️ 淡蓝 light blue ☑️ 绿白 green with white ☑️ 黄绿 green with yellow ☑️ 紫白 purple with white ☑️ 红白系带 red with white waistband ☑️ 红黑系带 red with black waistband ☑️ 黄白系带 yellow with white waistband

☑️ 披帛 pibo

☑️ white/orange/black/pink/green/red/purple + pibo ☑️白/橙/黑/粉/绿/红/紫 + 披帛

☑️ 浅绿披帛 light green pibo ☑️ 黄白披帛 white with yellow pibo

Version Detail

SD 1.5

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