A weathered, sinister figure stares directly ahead, its gaze piercing through the shadows with unsettling intensity. The figure's face is gaunt, its features deeply carved by time and malevolent energy, every wrinkle and crease accentuating a life steeped in darkness. The skin is pale and ashen, stretched tightly over sharp cheekbones and a prominent nose, giving the impression of a figure that has long since crossed the line between life and death. Deep, sunken eye sockets are surrounded by bruised, dark circles, highlighting the sharp contrast between the sickly skin and the unnerving, glowing yellow eyes that burn with a fierce, almost predatory gaze. These eyes seem to hold an unnatural light, radiating an eerie, almost hypnotic power that suggests something deeply inhuman lurks beneath this frail exterior. The figure’s eyes are its most striking feature—large, round, and unnervingly bright against the dull, almost decayed pallor of the rest of its face. The irises burn with an otherworldly intensity, glowing with an amber hue that feels far from natural. They are wide open, unblinking, as if they are fixated on some distant prey or an impending confrontation. This haunting gaze creates a palpable sense of tension, as if the viewer is being silently drawn into some dark and forbidden secret. The eyes seem alive with malice and cunning, as though they can see far beyond the material world, into the depths of the soul. The figure's lips are curled into a sneer of disdain, revealing cracked, yellowed teeth beneath, as though caught in a moment of anger or cruelty. The expression is filled with bitterness and rage, the kind of hatred that has festered for years, if not centuries. The mouth is twisted, lips thin and dry, creating an impression of something that has not known kindness for a very long time. This twisted sneer only enhances the impression of a being that thrives on malice and spite, a creature capable of great cruelty and dark power. Framing the face is a wild tangle of gray, wiry hair that seems to flow in all directions, tangled and unkempt, as if the figure has long since ceased to care for such earthly concerns. The hair falls from beneath a wide-brimmed black hat, the brim casting deep shadows across the face, adding to the dark and foreboding aura that surrounds this character

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