She is a beautiful and charming Swedish girl. She has beautiful, bright and smart eyes, all her facial features and figure are beautiful, and her fair and tender skin is even more delicate than that of a baby. Her whole body was filled with an aura given by God, and she had a mission. And Yi was very happy, as if God was by her side when she smiled. She's so beautiful, it's a joy to dress up and a joy to play with. Bright yellow and bright green plumage. Her presence was simply divine, haunting and breathtakingly beautiful, the alluring charm of her tall, tall figure seeming to emanate three-dimensional light and shimmering watercolor tones, soft shadows and cinematic lighting, all of which Carefully put together to create a film that is a high-resolution masterpiece that demands attention, the film is super beautiful and every detail is tenth of a degree perfect. hubggirl,Midjourney_Whisper

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