"In the style of contemporary abstract artists, create a fine art oil painting. The painting should be an abstract expressionist image of a spectacular sunset with a tiny city skyline on the distant horizon. Use bold, dynamic brushstrokes and a minimalist silhouette style. The color palette should consist of Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, and Sap Green, accented with touches of white and black. Enhance the city skyline silhouette with subtle detailing and increased definition. Ensure a smooth transition within the sky, creating a gradual color gradient for a cohesive visual flow. Incorporate depth and perspective into the reflections in the water, adding variations in color intensity and shadowing to achieve a three-dimensional effect. Introduce subtle cloud formations or variations in the sky, and add slight variations in texture to create a more dynamic and complex sky with nuanced details. Enhance the water with intricate detailing, adding nuanced color transitions and finer brush strokes to increase the realism and depth of the reflections. Create a more seamless blend between the sky and the horizon, introducing subtle variations in light intensity for a natural transition from the bright sun to darker areas."

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