A colossal spaceship, space battleship Yamato, space battleship, large forward space canon from center of ship, space gun emplacements along the top and sides of the ship, metallic blue and red paint scheme faded with time, abandoned for over a century, drifts silently through the infinite darkness of space. The ship’s hull is rusted, a patchwork of metals scavenged from various galaxies, now fused together. Soft blue light seeps through microscopic cracks on its surface, hinting at a mysterious energy source deep within. In the background, billions of stars and the event horizon of a black hole spin silently around this forgotten giant, evoking a sense of awe. The ship floats on the edge of a massive galaxy, lost among shimmering dust clouds and cosmic gases. Enormous antennas mounted on the ship's surface still seem to be trying to capture an unknown signal. Inside, a being once human—now trapped between machine and consciousness—stands in a control room, guarded by the last artificial intelligence, questioning the meaning of its own existence.

Lens settings: 24mm wide-angle lens, f/2.8 aperture for high clarity even in low light, ISO 3200 to capture the depth of stars and space, long exposure time to ensure every detail is visible.

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