A cyberpunk cyborg maiden stands amidst a tranquil lake setting in a deep forest, surrounded by red and yellow leafed trees. Her black hair flows like night, adorned with vibrant bangs and ornate hair ornaments. Red eyes gleam as she gazes directly at the viewer, her smile subtle yet inviting. A pink kimono wraps around her upper body, its floral print blurring into the surroundings. Cherry blossom petals float on the water's surface, reflecting the setting sun's warm hues. Her hand crackles with fiery energy, a massive fireball power emanating from her palm. The image is set against a blurry background, with an intricate tassel and hair rings adding to her mystical aura. Makeup accentuates her features, eyelashes long and luscious, lips parted as if sharing a secret. The overall composition is a masterful blend of abstraction, fractals, and zentangle patterns, creating an unparalleled work of art that defies the ordinary.

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