A vibrant anime magazine cover featuring a stunningly illustrated DROW in a realistic photography, dynamic pose, standing confidently with 2 swords in her hand, as a thick black fog engulf her legs: It is her own, deadly aura. Her long, flowing smooth hair with braids and ponytail is blown back by a wind and also her purple cape, while her determined gaze is fixated at a place on the right. The background is a deep blue, gradating to a fiery orange at the edges, with bold, ((dark fantasy style text emblazoned across the top)): 'DROW - silent killers'. A spider is inside the letters. Her hair is stark white, with braids. her pointy ears are long. She slowly walks while she awaits an unseen enemy in a battle stance with her magic weapon. This creature with sleek black skin is seasoned by many a battle: her (silvery, heavily dented light armor) shows it clearly. A spider emblem clearly shows her pure loyality to her dark mistress. She wears purple undergarment and has perfect hands. (Her facial skin is the same as her other skin: sleek black skin, the same goes for her ears: sleek black skin.) She is beautiful and perfect.

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