the following is my dnd character I want you to create an oil painting of her in the woods. Character Bio: Elaria Thornshade

Race: Wood Elf

Class: Druid (Circle of the Moon)

Level: 5

Alignment: Neutral Good


Elaria Thornshade is a Wood Elf from a secluded forest village hidden deep within an ancient woodland. The people of her village have always been closely connected to nature, and Elaria was no exception. From a young age, she showed an affinity for animals and the natural world, spending more time among the trees and wildlife than with other elves.

Her life took a mysterious turn when she entered the village’s annual contest—a rite of passage where young elves demonstrated their ability to transform into fearsome beasts. Elaria’s transformation was so profound that she won the contest, earning her a powerful sword and shield crafted from the very essence of the forest. However, the event triggered something within her. After the contest, Elaria found herself with no memory of her life before that day, save for a single enigmatic object: a necklace she could not remove and instinctively knew held most of her power.

While her memory is fragmented, her connection to the forest and its creatures remains strong. Elaria has embarked on a journey to uncover her past, protect the wilds, and seek out the true nature of the necklace she wears.


	•	Shy and Reserved: Elaria is soft-spoken and prefers the company of animals over most humanoids. She finds solace in nature and feels uneasy in crowded or bustling areas.
	•	Protective and Kind: While she may be quiet, Elaria fiercely defends the natural world and those who cannot protect themselves. She is gentle and caring, especially towards animals, but cautious with strangers—particularly humans, who she believes can only be trusted once.
	•	Curious and Determined: Despite her gentle nature, Elaria is driven by a need to understand her lost past and the power of her necklace. This curiosity sometimes leads her into dangerous situations, but her resourcefulness and connection to nature help her navigate through them.


	•	Height: 5’10”
	•	Build: Slender and graceful
	•	Hair: Long, dark brown with hints of green, often adorned with leaves and small flowers
	•	Eyes: Bright green, reflecting the light of the forest
	•	Clothing: Simple, nature-inspired attire, often in shades of green and brown. Her sword and shield are intricately designed with vines and forest motifs, and her mysterious necklace glows faintly with an otherworldly light.

Abilities and Spells:

Hit Points: 39 (5d8+10)
Armor Class: 16 (with shield)
Speed: 35 ft.

Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 18 (+4)
Charisma: 10 (+0)


	•	Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
	•	Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
	•	Tools: Herbalism kit
	•	Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
	•	Skills: Nature (+5), Perception (+7), Survival (+7), Animal Handling (+7)

Languages: Common, Elvish, Druidic, Sylvan

Druid Circle: Circle of the Moon

	•	Combat Wild Shape: Bonus action to transform into a beast of CR 1 or lower.
	•	Circle Forms: Access to more powerful animal forms, such as the Dire Wolf or Brown Bear.

Spells (Prepared):

	•	Shillelagh
	•	Thorn Whip
	•	Guidance

1st Level (4 slots):

	•	Goodberry
	•	Cure Wounds
	•	Faerie Fire
	•	Speak with Animals

2nd Level (3 slots):

	•	Moonbeam
	•	Hold Person
	•	Summon Beast

3rd Level (2 slots):

	•	Call Lightning
	•	Plant Growth

Notable Equipment:

	•	Nature’s Edge (Sword): A magical longsword crafted from ancient wood and vines, imbued with the power of the forest. Grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
	•	Verdant Shield: A shield formed from the heartwood of a sacred tree, provides +2 to AC and advantage on saving throws against spells of a plant or earth nature.
	•	Mystic Necklace: A mysterious necklace with an unknown origin, it grants Elaria the ability to cast Detect Magic once per day without expending a spell slot. The necklace holds her past, but its full power and purpose are yet to be revealed.

Feats and Traits:

	•	Keen Senses: Proficiency in Perception.
	•	Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
	•	Mask of the Wild: Can attempt to hide even when only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
	•	Wild Shape (2/day): Elaria can transform into a beast as per Druid abilities, with additional forms due to her Circle of the Moon training.

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