Depict a young, mixed-race girl, Alia (also known as 'Little Red'), standing in a powerful stance. She has distinctive red hair and prominent animal-like ears, a clear sign of her mixed heritage. Alia is wearing a slightly oversized, ornate robe of the Holy Light Order, with a color scheme of blue and white. The robe is adorned with intricate symbols of light and purity. Alia's expression is intense and determined, her eyes glowing with a fiery energy. Her hands are outstretched, unleashing a torrent of violent, fiery magic that swirls around her like a storm. The flames are vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow, illuminating her figure and casting dramatic shadows. The background should be dark and chaotic, with hints of destruction caused by her magic, contrasting with the radiant light of her blue and white robes. Alia's red hair is slightly windswept, adding to the dynamic energy of the scene, while her animal-like ears are clearly visible, emphasizing her unique identity

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