A mesmerizing, ultra-high-resolution (8K+) portrait of Cristina Encanto, a slender, beautiful blonde woman with striking, crystal-clear blue eyes and a soft, serene smile. Her face is illuminated by a divine, celestial light, enhancing her delicate features and adding an ethereal glow to her youthful, wrinkle-free complexion. The light bathes her in a soft, golden radiance, highlighting the vivid clarity of her eyes, which seem to sparkle with mystical wisdom and power.She stands in the center of a dark, magical environment, holding a crystal ball that emits a golden halo, further illuminating her face. The background is filled with floating zodiac symbols and twinkling stars, creating a cosmic atmosphere that complements her mystical presence. Her blonde hair shimmers under the celestial light, softly reflecting the glow from the ball, adding to her divine appearance.In front of her, a table is adorned with tarot cards, lit candles, and smoke from burning incense, blending with the warm light and heightening the sense of magic. Her black dress is detailed with gold and silver accents, catching the light as she exudes elegance, power, and a serene confidence.Above and around her, faint planetary shadows and the phases of the moon subtly integrate the celestial powers at play, while her divinely illuminated face remains the central focus of this magical, celestial scene.

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