A dark and eerie anime protagonist unleashing a powerful cursed or psychic ultimate attack. The character is in a dramatic, imposing pose, channeling intense dark energy or supernatural forces. The scene is set in a nightmarish, distorted environment, reflecting the protagonist’s inner turmoil. The ultimate attack appears as chaotic, swirling dark energy, eldritch shapes, or a menacing shadowy vortex. Camera Work and Visual Effects: 1. Heavy Visual Distortion: Apply intense visual distortions and static noise, with a prominent film grain effect to mimic a deteriorated film reel. Include flickering, horizontal lines, and occasional color shifts to create an unsettling atmosphere. 2. Glitch and Interference Effects: Incorporate strong glitch effects, such as screen tearing, pixelation, and signal interference, to enhance the sense of disorientation and horror. 3. Dynamic Angles: Use extreme, disorienting camera angles like skewed perspectives, tilted shots, or quick, erratic movements to heighten the sense of dread. 4. Close-ups with Static: Focus on extreme close-ups of the protagonist’s face or the dark energy, with added static, visual glitches, and distortion to intensify the psychological impact. 5. Gloomy and Flickering Lighting: Use very dim, almost monochromatic lighting with rapid flickers and erratic shadows to evoke a horror movie aesthetic. Add occasional bursts of intense light to emphasize key moments of the attack. Gundam

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