A dynamic sports scene unfolds: a radiant athlete, clad in electric green and white stripes, charges down the pitch with unwavering focus. Framed by a warm, golden light, her toned physique gleams as she takes aim from outside the penalty area. Sunlit face aglow with determination, skin glistens with moisture. With swift precision, she unleashes a forceful shot, generating a swirling whirlpool of energy as the ball hurtles towards the goal, set against a blurred blue pool water ripples softly behind her, streaking downwards in fluid motion.Ultra-detailed, 8K, ultra-realistic. Dark fantasy. In a dark fantasy realm, against a midnight sky, a behemoth female creature unfurls its massive leathery wings like a dark canvas. The full moon casts an eerie glow on her eyes aglow with malevolent intent, as she spreads bat-like appendages and soars towards the ancient tower's crumbling roof. Razor-sharp fangs glint in the moonlight, poised to strike, while her haunting howl pierces the darkness, a chilling prelude to destruction.

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