Cute 4-panel manga strip featuring chibi-style black metal band members. Characters have exaggerated large heads, small bodies, and adorable features, contrasting with their corpse paint makeup. Each panel clearly defined with bold borders.

Panel 1: Three chibi black metal musicians setting up their instruments, looking comically serious.
Panel 2: Close-up of the lead singer screaming into the microphone, his corpse paint slightly smudged.
Panel 3: The band performing, with exaggerated motion lines and tiny music notes flying around.
Panel 4: Punchline panel showing the exhausted band members collapsed on the stage, with spiral eyes and messed-up corpse paint.

Simple backgrounds with occasional pentagrams or inverted crosses. Speech bubbles with cute fonts contrasting the metal theme. Black and white art style with strong ink lines and some screentone for shading. Humorous expressions and reactions throughout.

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