A mystical witch materializes from a swirling misty veil, her luminous complexion radiant in an otherworldly glow, illuminated by soft fluorescent tones that dance across her figure, emphasizing her attire and barely covered colossal breasts as she poses with unyielding confidence, staff held steadfast, amidst twisted tree silhouettes and ancient ruin ruins. Flames flicker at her fingertips, encircled by fiery magic's aura as she assumes a bold stance, surrounded by blood and death's shadows, the hem of her dress wisping into smoke. Her long black tresses flow like night's darkness, harmonizing with her powerful physique exuding authority, wearing a witch's hat. The cinematic dark moody colors dominate the scene, with wispy black smoke tendrils curling from her locks as if summoned by her unyielding power, against the hauntingly lit forest backdrop where black trees loom like skeletal fingers.

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